Hey there ๐Ÿ‘‹

A snapshot of these last three years


3 min read

Hey, nice to meet you I'm Gianluca, frens call me Luca. In September 2022 I will have completed my degree in Computer Science.

I'm so proud of this degree and how much I've been learning, it literally changed my viewpoint on Internet Technologies and how much it actually is all a product of the mind, an extension of it.

In the first period, I was so fond of specific language logos, I tried so hard to remember syntax at all costs and discussed everything that regarded syntax and one language over the other, I was still looking too much at the form of something instead of the content.

With one year passing, I've started to move more from syntax to semantics, from form to content, essentially the meaning that logical constructs take and how easy it actually is to translate them across languages compared to truly understanding a problem.

In that year I feel I had been properly introduced to the simple but elusive concept of "technology as a solution to a problem", with this understanding a lot of what sparked my interest previously faded, and I had essentially stopped seeing everything through the eyes of someone who owns only a hammer and started taking different lens and approaches, my interest in framing problems correctly started to rise.

From there on it has been a long steep learning curve that yielded great benefits, sharper tools, and wiser judgment.

I started questioning technologies, the solutions that those bring, the benefit of certain approaches over others, and how things should be architected to design more readable and maintainable solutions.

I'm not a genius so many of my assumptions over these three years have fallen flat on their face but they've all contributed to a better judgment of technical solutions to problems.

And honestly, I feel like I've got down mainly the basics and there is so much to uncover that sometimes I wonder how much it will take me to call myself a senior.

From what I've been hearing from colleagues and mentors has been that the software game is not only made of technologies so I allotted some time to learn how to collaborate effectively, have a clearer and to-the-point communication style, and I've learned and incorporated agile methodologies into my work.

Along the way, I also had some occasions to practice conflict resolution skills and both manage and communicate my expectations.

I already had iterated on some of these aspects over my previous work experiences but never I've put things down so meticulously out of all the pride that I'm taking in this new career.

And lastly, as unhelpful as each mistake sounded when I understood that I've done one I've taken many lessons for each mistake in the hope to learn and grow into a better form of me both as a person and a software engineer.

So yeah this is a snapshot of me with three years of progress and a soon-to-have badge called a degree, I'm going to cut this short because I've gone on rambling for too many words, feel free to connect if you think we have something in common or just want to say hi.

My Twitter handle is: @kanCogs

I currently do not have a fixed schedule for blog posting, I'll try out a few and see which one fits better with my work and life.

Talk to you soon, have a nice summer ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ‰โ›ฑ
